Wednesday, April 16, 2008

19 & 20 April Lessons

Saturday Yr 4 and Yr 5

Topic: Prepositions Story

Learning Objective: Using Prepositions of Position/Location correctly

Method: Class demonstration followed by group play and learn with tutors

Introduction: 1. I Spy game with clues using prepositions e.g " I spy with my little eye something on a table/ beside a blue bag /under a box etc beginning with the letter.."
2. Review correct use and spelling of prepositions and verbs (e.g Put/ Hold/Place/Keep/Hide Give) through "Hide and Seek Spongebob/Patrick/Toy" game in 4 groups with tutors
3. Tutors instruct a student where to hide a toy/cushion using a preposition. Students take turns giving/following instructions to hide and seek toys
4. Students complete a review exercise on prepositions

Skill set: Spelling and knowledge of correct use of prepositions and sentence pattern for giving instructions

Exercise/activity to reinforce concept:
Prep Cheer -
A group choose 2 prepositions and form a cheer using correct spelling and physical demonstration to show the difference e.g. IN & OUT

Activity objective: Reinforce correct use of preposition and simple sentence patterns

1. Choose or Assign Prep pairs - In/Out, On/Under, Beside/Opposite, Up/Down
2. Discuss with children the difference between the prep pairs
3. Help them describe the prep pairs in simple sentences
4. Ask them for actions to demonstrate the difference between the prep pairs
5. Children practice cheer and actions - tutor assist to reinforce correct structure and appropriate actions
6. Demonstration of cheer

We would welcome ideas for teaching TIME:

Topic: Time (4 & 5)

Learning Objective: Introducing concepts of 24 hr Time


Skill set: Adition and Subtraction

Exercise/activity to reinforce concept:

Activity objective


Follow up:

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Please give us your thoughts on how the sessions went- ideas on how to improve, what you gained after your session, your views on the children and any thoughts you want to share.